Lynwood is a small southeastern suburb of Perth, the capital city of Western Australia. Its local government area is the City of Canning. Lynwood was first settled by Henry Willett of Willett & Co, who was granted Canning Location 21 on the Canning River and settled in the area in June 1832. In November 1964, the Shire of Canning proposed the …Lynwood is a small southeastern suburb of Perth, the capital city of Western Australia. Its local government area is the City of Canning. Lynwood was first settled by Henry Willett of Willett & Co, who was granted Canning Location 21 on the Canning River and settled in the area in June 1832. In November 1964, the Shire of Canning proposed the names "Burtsdale" and "Willetton" for Willetton and Lynwood/Parkwood respectively, the name Burtsdale honouring Septimus Burt, who purchased the land in 1882. In August 1965, developers at Lynwood requested the name "Clovercrest Estate", but finally agreed to "Lynwood". The name Willetton was shifted westwards and Lynwood was gazetted in December 1965. Parkwood was part of Lynwood until 1993.