A landmark settlement agreement has been reached in the African penguin litigation after intense negotiations between ...
Six key breeding areas are to be safeguarded to help save the African penguin, following a landmark court order in South ...
Birdlife South Africa and SANCCOB have reached an agreement with commercial sardine and anchovy fishers to provide foraging ...
With South Africa stressing its commitment to social justice and human rights this month, The Green Connection says it ...
Six African Penguins at the New England Aquarium in Boston have made a new home on an island designed to address the aches ...
In a landmark victory for conservation, BirdLife South Africa and the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of ...
The new private island, separate from the main penguin colony, so far accommodates six aging African penguins, who range in ...
A South African court's groundbreaking ruling bans commercial fishing for a decade to protect endangered African penguins, ...
By agreement between all parties pelagic fishing permits must be amended within 14 days to protect six key penguin breeding ...
As of the afternoon of Tuesday, March 11, an online poll for the naming showed Eggs Benedict and Quiche were in the early ...
Each year as part of the celebrations a competition called The Peng-Win Championships takes place, where penguins from zoos ...
A South African court has barred commercial fishing at key breeding colonies for African penguins for 10 years.