Back in 1993, the world was introduced to the first film of a long-lasting saga that still captivates dinosaur enthusiasts today: Jurassic Park. Set on a fictional island near Costa Rica called Isla ...
The Tyrannosaurus rex has fought a variety of opponents in the Jurassic Park series, from harmless herbivores to terrifying predators. Claire thinks that the T-Rex may be the only dinosaur capable ...
In 1993, Steven Spielberg's film Jurassic Park defined dinosaurs for an entire ... which feature heavily in the film, including Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor and Triceratops.
rex wasn't nearly as terrifying as we thought. The animal's tremendous size and weight prevented it from running at top speeds of 45 mph, like is shown in the blockbuster "Jurassic Park." ...
Palaeontologists at the University of Manchester have definitively proven there will never be a Jurassic Park after re-analysing collagen from a Tyrannosaurus rex bone discovered more than a decade ...
Though the Age of Dinosaurs ended long ago, less time separates us from Tyrannosaurus rex than separated T ... changed during the past century Jurassic Park lives on—in miniature—at a ...