There's nothing like fresh loaves of thick, crusty country French bread and ... and place the loaf in the center of the sheet. Let rise at room temperature for 1-1/2 to 2 hours in a proof box. It is ...
If you can think of anything that's both as simple and as satisfying as French bread, I'm all ears. Luckily, my family has been making foolproof baguettes that only call for four ingredients and ...
That's quite an honor for a loaf of bread. So don't go calling a French baguette sourdough without knowing what you're talking about. As might be inferred from the name, a sourdough baguette is ...
Baguettes. Can you name a more quintessential French food? The recipe is quite simple. You just need flour, water, yeast, and salt. Yet, here in France, it's not just any loaf of bread that ...
Old British cookbooks sometimes call for ‘French bread’ as an ingredient or serving suggestion, and are referring to a generic crusty white baguette ... to a similar loaf made in France.
Paris lawmakers prohibited certain community bakeries from closing for summer holidays at the same time, lest the entire ...
had the idea for a bag that could be tucked under one’s arm like a loaf of French bread. The result was the Baguette: an oblong pochette with a short removable strap and a flap closure featuring ...