The Angels, Rangers and Astros New Era Overlap line of hats that feature a mashup of the teams' logos have been pulled ...
The banned MLB hats have been going viral on Twitter, and now, the Astros have joined the Rangers and Angels in having them ...
two more hats from the Overlap line have also been pulled. The Houston Astros hat, which appears to read “Ashos,” and the Los Angeles Angels hat, which appears to read “Anaels,” are both ...
It's gotten to the point where MLB is pulling several Overlap hats from the team stores. Earlier this week, MLB pulled the ...
The latest release of MLB hats this spring from New Era was perhaps the public relations disasterclass of 2025. Not only was the collection of 30 caps a rather nonsensical branding exercise with one ...
The other 29 "Overlap" hats remain for sale at $44.99 each, but the collection features some more awkward results. The Houston Astros hat has the team's "H" covering the "S" and "T" in Astros ...