Cilia are important for regulating cellular ... these methods use electron microscopes to image thin layers of a specimen and then stitch the layers together to create ultra high-resolution ...
Cilia are the hairlike structures on the surface ... which helped mark the epithelium's boundaries. Using a specialized microscope and darkened room to sharpen the images, they were able to ...
Cilia inside the lung-chip. Microscope image courtesy of Emulate, Inc. The organ-chip consists of transparent channels lined with thousands of living cells and pumped with liquid containing ...
A female Brachionus manjavacas rotifer, as magnified under a microscope. This rotifer is 350 µm long; about the size of a grain of sand. The hair-like cilia at the top of the individual are used ...
The silk draglines made by zebra jumping spiders are tougher than the silk webbing of orb weaver spiders, even though they’re made at 25 to 35 times the speed.