Ever since the continents were all mapped, people had noticed that many coastlines, like those of South America and Africa, looked as though they would fit together if they could be moved like ...
Continental Drift In 1912 Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents had originated in the breakup of one supercontinent. His idea has not been widely accepted, hut new evidence suggests that the ...
where he put forth the idea of "continental displacement" or what later was called continental drift. The year 1912 was busy for Wegener: he got married (to the daughter of Germany's leading ...
Fossils, like those of Cynognathus—a wolf-sized reptile found in both Africa and South America—suggest that these continents were once joined before continental drift separated them.
We know that this is not the case. Wegener suggested that mountains formed when the edge of a drifting continent collided with another, causing it to crumple and fold. For example, the Himalayas ...
When Scrat accidentally provokes a continental cataclysm with a storm, Manny is separated from Ellie and Peaches on an iceberg with Diego, Sid and Granny but he promises that he will find a way to ...
Ice Age's lively sequel. Scrat is causing chaos again - this time it's continental drift! And Manny, Diego, and Sid soon find themselves caught up in the adventure.
The breakup of ancient supercontinents would have had major effects on the evolution of living organisms. Does it explain the difference in the diversification of reptiles and mammals?