The Orsillus maculatus was found by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agricultural specialists, arriving in cypress cones from Jordan.
The backstory Agriculture specialists evaluating packages arriving from abroad identified a non-native insect during a search of undeclared cypress tree cones late last year. The bugs, later ...
CBP has records of just two other instances where the insect was intercepted at the ... According to CBP, the bugs were found on fresh cypress cones transported by a passenger from Jordan who ...
"One of the beauties of cypress, and particularly really old cypress, is it is very insect resistant and water resistant because it has a high natural oils content in it," Corbin said. "It ...
The half-inch-long Orsillus maculatus insects were discovered among fresh cypress cones being brought for medicinal purposes by a passenger in transit to Ohio. The insects were discovered during a ...