Giant ocean-dwelling isopods are on the menu in Vietnam. Scientists discovered a new species among specimens captured for the food market, and it's a doozy.
What has 14 legs, lives at the bottom of the sea, and looks like Darth Vader? It's a newly discovered species of supergiant ...
“Using the submersible Alvin, scientists encountered (an) isopod swimming 3.7 miles deep, with oar-like legs as long as your ...
Giant isopods, which belong to the Bathynomus genus, can grow to be over 11 inches, but the biggest ones reach nearly 20 ...
A purchase at an urban Vietnamese fish market turned out to be a whole new species of giant isopod –with a bit of a dark side ...
This could mean waiting for years. Their metabolism is incredibly slow - a giant isopod kept in captivity in Japan reportedly survived for five years without eating. Giant isopods express deep-sea ...