It was high-tech encryption for an important period of time in the mid-1940s, so perhaps you can forgive us our obsession with the Enigma machine. But did you know that you can make your very own ...
English mathematician, wartime code-breaker and pioneer of computer science. Photo: Alan Turing with two colleagues and a ...
The World War II German Enigma encoding machine is something of an icon in engineering circles not just for its mechanical ingenuity but for the work of the wartime staff at Bletchley Park in ...
This is the first time anyone has been able to look inside the Enigma with this level of detail, using a technique that does not damage the machine. Professor Philip Withers Follow me on X (opens in ...
This is an Enigma 1 machine. It was used by the German army and air force to send secret coded messages between head quarters and units in the field. Skilful work by Polish intelligence officers ...
(SSPL/Getty Images) Peter Westcombe, founder of the Bletchley Park Trust, explains in detail how the Enigma machine works and how its codes were broken by the code-breakers at Bletchley Park.
This four-wheel Enigma machine was used by the German forces during the second world war to send coded messages. Many machines of this type were used on the U-Boat submarines sent out to disrupt ...