Provides links to many sites relevant to Ancient Greek and Latin literature, as well as Greek and Roman art and archaeology. Provides links to many sites relevant to Ancient Greek and Latin literature ...
Classics students spend most of their time reading Greek and Latin texts in the original languages, but they can also take courses in English translation in a variety of disciplines in order to get a ...
In 1734 one record shows in addition to the above, "Whoever shall be able to read, construe & parse ordinary Greek, as in the New Testament, Socrates or such like, and be skilled in making Latin ...
Aside from its intellectual value, this study can have practical use as well: for example, the study of Latin and Greek can considerably improve communication skills in English and in the Romance ...
The major in Greek and/or Latin Language and Literature provides in-depth investigation and understanding of classical texts. You need to take: If you are taking a different class in another ...