There are a handful of plants that add visual appeal to your landscape while keeping bees at bay. Some include peppermint, ...
Texas beekeepers are experiencing one of the worst colony collapse events in years, with devastating losses. The crisis ...
Honey bee colonies in the U.S. could face losses of up to 70% in 2025, according to Washington State University (WSU) ...
Ironically, the same activists also discourage the adoption of modern biotechnology (Genetic Modification Organisms ...
Louisiana beekeepers have been hit hard this year by colony loss, as has the industry nationwide. Why are so many bees dying?
With honey bees facing multiple threats, Jessy O'Keefe looks to give the valuable insects a helping hand one hive at a time.
Spring allergies are blooming. Here's what a San Joaquin Valley farmer says about what to look for in local honey.
RNAi -- functions specifically to silence, or deactivate, genes. Among other applications, it promises to be groundbreaking ...
North Bay almond growers who depend on honeybees for pollination are facing a significant decline in populations, down nearly ...
Colony Collapse Disorder never really went away; reports of widespread honey bee colony losses are increasing.