The authorities of ISKCON temple in West Bengal’s Mayapur said it has sent two captive elephants to a private sanctuary in Gujarat, where they will live in the company of other rescued jumbos. One of ...
Kolkata: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP ... Monday to ensure that no goods vehicle enters Bangladesh from West Bengal if the ISKCON monk is not released. “Enough is enough. India should stop ...
Religious Tourism: West Bengal is home to several revered religious sites. The Dakshineswar Kali Temple and Belur Math in Kolkata, the Tarapith Temple, and the Mayapur ISKCON Temple are major ...
ISKCON Mayapur has been keeping Lakshmipriya since 2007 and Bishnupriya since 2010, using them for temple rituals and various festival occasions. Animal protection organizations, including People ...