Iapetus features a high-contrast surface of light and dark. As such, it has been dubbed the yin and yang of the Saturn moons. Iapetus, like Rhea, is thought to be composed of ice and rock.
You thought Saturn's 146 moons were impressive? Think again. The ringed planet's moon count has nearly doubled with the ...
Not that it was a competition, but Saturn surpassed Jupiter in known moons a few years ago. Now the giant planet may never ...
In 2007 Cassini flew within a few thousand kilometers of Iapetus's surface to take this dramatic picture of the ridge. A movie of the flyby is available at the NASA site devoted to Saturn.
Saturn’s iconic rings ... including Earth’s moon and Jupiter’s Iapetus, could maintain stable rings for over a million years. Rather than breaking apart, gravitational forces shaped ring ...
The arcs near the center are the orbits of Titan and Iapetus, two of Saturn's large outer moons. For scale, the white circle under the scale bar is the orbit of the moon around the Earth.