Here's what they said. (JTA) — When undercover Israeli agents captured Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in 1960, JTA’s reporters were just as surprised as everyone else. An article dated May ...
The identity of the hangman who executed Adolf Eichmann in 1962 was kept secret for three decades. By the time Shalom Nagar’s name was unearthed by Israeli journalists, Nagar had retired from ...
Directed by Erwin Șimșensohn and conducted by Daniel Jinga, with a libretto by Israeli playwright Motti Lerner, the opera dramatizes the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann, one of the central ...
Shalom Nagar, the man who hanged Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Israel in 1962, has died in his late 80s. Nagar, a prison guard at the facility where Eichmann was kept, was chosen for the ...
VO: The trial was a landmark moment in history. The trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961 became the first documentary television series to be broadcast around the world. It was a historic and ground ...
Operation Finale: Die Ergreifung und der Prozess von Adolf Eichmann“. Besucher erfahren, wie Agenten des israelischen Geheimdienstes Mossad im Mai 1960 den NS-Verbrecher und Holocaust ...
(JTA) — Argentina’s Jewish community gave Israel’s spy agency all the cars and some of the safe houses used to abduct the Nazi murderer Adolf Eichmann, a Mossad agent revealed. Career Mossad ...
When Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann went on trial in 1961, he denied the accusations. But rediscovered tapes tell another story, revealing a man damning himself with his own voice. Show more In ...
sei, sagte Jauch bei der Präsentation einer Ausstellung zum Nazi-Verbrecher Adolf Eichmann in Potsdam. „Das war natürlich am Anfang erst mal eine große Neugierde, als ich diesen Brief in der ...
Die Philosophin Hannah Arendt hält dagegen: Eichmann sei "erschreckend normal". Als die Richter am 15. Dezember 1961 sein Todesurteil verlesen, sitzt der einstige SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf ...
In Potsdam ist eine Ausstellung zur Entführung des Nazi-Verbrechers Adolf Eichmann zu sehen. Moderator Günther Jauch ...