Though people with high self-efficacy also typically have a more internal locus of control, the two measures are not perfectly correlated. Someone, for example, may feel like they have the power ...
A locus is a path formed by a point which moves according to a rule. The plural is loci. The runner is following a path. This path is a locus. A flowerbed runs along the grass between A and B.
A locus is a path formed by a point which moves according to a rule. The plural is loci. The runner is following a path. This path is a locus. A flowerbed runs along the grass between A and B.
For instance, QTL studies require very large sample sizes, and they can only map ... contain segregating alleles of large effect at every locus contributing to variation in natural populations ...
Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, have studied the impact of two brain areas on the nature of memory content.