Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has secured an order from Shikoku Electric Power to supply 24 MOX (mixed oxide fuel) assemblies for Unit 3 of the Ikata nuclear power station in Japan.
Traditional efforts to reuse SNF have focused heavily on mixed oxide (MOX) fuel, which combines regenerated plutonium with depleted uranium to produce a viable fuel for thermal and fast reactors.
IKATA, Ehime Prefecture--Workers at Ikata nuclear power plant here started removing spent mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel from the No. 3 reactor following a delay due to a minor mishap. As it has yet to be ...
France’s fast reactors have been used to both generate electricity just like any other thermal plant, while also providing the plutonium needed for creating MOX fuel that can be used in its LWRs.
Advanced and innovative technologies are already implemented in a few countries to reprocess the spent fuel and recycle its usable materials, such as plutonium and uranium, through the fabrication and ...
It applies to facilities that reprocess spent fuel and other material from nuclear power plants that use metallic and oxide fuels, including materials from mixed oxide (MOX) fuel and breeder reactors.
The recycled fuel can then be used to create mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel, which can run certain nuclear reactors. But the incompletion of the plant has left Japan with 19,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel ...
Newcleo plans to directly invest in a mixed uranium/plutonium oxide (MOX) plant to fuel its reactors. In June 2022, the company announced it had contracted France's Orano for feasibility studies on ...
Rosatom’s ongoing efforts in developing next-generation nuclear fuels are focused on two core fuel types: MOX (Mixed Oxide) fuel and SNUP (Uranium-Plutonium Nitride) fuel. Both fuels are ...