Tomáš Macháč's Australian Open has come to an ... The talented Czech fought valiantly but was no match for the 10-time Melbourne Park champion. Although Macháč won't progress at this year's ...
Český tenista Tomáš Macháč nejspíš definitivně potvrdil to, o čem se dlouho šuškalo. Olympijský vítěz z Paříže ukázal na ...
the man who has won at Melbourne Park more than anyone in the history of the Australian Open, also fought fire with fire. Tomáš Macháč put up a valiant fight against Novak Djokovic at Rod ...
Po grandslamovém Australian Open se mužská tenisová elita vrhne do kvalifikace Davisova poháru. Český tým vedený novým kapitánem Tomášem Berdychem hostí v Ostravě reprezentaci Jižní Koreje a pokusí se ...
6-4 victory over Czech 26th seed Tomáš Macháč. The win marks Djokovic's 17th appearance in the tournament's fourth round, underscoring his status as a 10-time champion in Melbourne.