President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court will be Neil Gorsuch, a well-respected conservative ... the Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of Catholic nuns, had shown that the Obama ...
The court will address a lower court decision deeming the school's funding to be unconstitutional. Notably, a majority of the justices profess the Roman Catholic faith. Associate Justices Brett ...
Their attacks are off-base. Ever since Neil Gorsuch took his place on the Supreme Court bench, he has generated controversy with his contention that, as he put it in 2016, the administrative state ...
In a concurring opinion, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote, "Whether this law will succeed in achieving its ends, I do not know." ...
During a sometimes tense bout of questioning from Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), Gorsuch was again asked about what has become known as the Case of the Frozen Trucker. In this case, Gorsuch ...
Death row inmate Brenda Andrew argued that Oklahoma prosecutors “exploited sex-based stereotypes and presented concededly irrelevant evidence about her sexual history.” ...