New-age star Ram Charan will take on seasoned stars Balakrishna and Venkatesh this Sankranthi festival. It would be an interesting clash to watch out for since fans of Mega and Nandamuri clan are ...
Kakinada: Bhogi, the first day of the three-day Sankranthi festival, was celebrated with great gaiety and enthusiasm in Godavari districts like Kakinada, Eluru, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Konaseema ...
The festivities coincide with the traditional Sankranthi festival, a harvest festival celebrated with much enthusiasm in South India, particularly in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. As the president ...
Speaking on the occasion, she said that Sankranthi, the harvest festival, was the most important festival in Andhra Pradesh, and conveyed greetings to the officers. Secretary to Governor M.