Christianity’s Broken Bargain with Democracy,” author Jonathan Rauch writes about what President Dallin H. Oaks of The Church ...
A new survey from Pew shows Congress is more Christian than the nation, but not necessarily Christian Nationalist.
Christians constitute 87% of the voting members in Congress, a decrease from 92% a decade ago, according to a recent analysis ...
As a growing share of U.S. adults turns away from religion, Christianity is still thriving in one American institution: the U.S. Congress.
Let me noodle around on that topic of polarization by using a nice question battery in the Cooperative Election Study. Along with religious affiliation, it asks folks to put themselves on an ...
The young Jimmy Carter was a political nobody the first time he ran for governor of Georgia. That long-shot 1966 effort ...
Florida schools removed books at record rates; university presidents left under the gun, and ostensibly nonpartisan elections ...
U.S. society will continue to fragment into ever-shrinking clusters as long as Americans continue to shun those with different perspectives ...
Re “Separation of church and state an American value” (Dec. 23) and “U.S. Constitution is not as restrictive on religion as ...
Carter was widely known as a man of faith, with his post-presidency defined by images of the Baptist Sunday School teacher building homes for low-income people.