You might have this idea of what solitary confinement is like based on the movies: a dark hole where someone is isolated for ...
After eight years in “the hole” at Texas’ Lane Murray Unit, Kwaneta Harris documents the “daily reality” of staff sexual ...
As serial killer Robert Maudsley goes on hunger strike, the Mirror looks at Britain's longest-serving prisoner's lonely life ...
The recent death of Pol Col Thitisan "Joe Ferrari" Utthanapon, who was serving a life sentence at Klongprem Central Prison in ...
We would gather at my father’s house, eat radish cakes and joke about who had gained the most weight during the holidays.
The plaintiff alleged he was kept in a filthy cell with no running water for weeks after being arrested on low-level charges.
Serial killer Robert Maudsley - who has been in solitary confinement for more than four decades - is protesting after prison ...
The main feature of the tentative agreement involves the suspension of regulations, under the Humane Alternatives to ...
"The officers claim to be complaining about safety," said Jerome Wright, co-director of the #HALTsolitary Campaign. "They are ...