While some are celebrating St Patrick's Day by wearing green and enjoying the craic and a Guinness at the pub, gardeners will ...
Tie it to the cane and regularly pinch of side shoots and tendrils. Make sure you wipe your knife or secateurs between cutting each plant to prevent diseases from spreading. Secure the sweet pea ...
If you want to see big blooms over the summer, now's the time to start sowing the right type of flowers for a vibrant summer ...
The first couple of flushes of flowers on most sweet-pea varieties will have straight stems, but after this the climbing tendrils may entwine the flower stems, causing them to bend. Keen growers snip ...
This video shows how the tendrils of a cucumber coil. The cucumber plant uses tendrils to attach onto structures or other plants and ascend toward coveted areas of unobstructed light. As the ...
with delicate pea tendrils climbing their frames. Be sure to use the peas fresh from their pods, when they’re at their most sweet and delicious. Fry the onions with a splash of olive oil in a large, ...