for transmission. Unlike circuit switching in traditional telephone networks, which requires the establishment of a dedicated point-to-point connection, each packet in a packet-switched network ...
100Base-X uses two physical links, one for transmission and one for reception, between nodes. 100Base-T uses medium access control protocol (MAC). The IEEE 802.3 committee developed the standards for ...
There are two types of Fast Ethernet: 100Base-X and 100Base-T. 100Base-X uses two physical links, one for transmission and one for reception, between nodes. 100Base-T uses medium access control ...
High-level transport protocols such as TCP/IP ensure that all the data sent in a transmission is received properly at the other end. See packet switching. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
Discover the historic moment when scientists sent the first ARPANET message, LO, marking the dawn of the internet age.