The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government ...
Large volumes of fish and other marine life are routinely caught in bottom-trawl nets used to sweep the seabed. Charities say ...
Meanwhile the trawling industry continues to be allowed to kill every single fish, mammal or bird caught in their nets, discard the unwanted bycatch & operate under the honor system to report ...
A U.S. district court judge has rejected a lawsuit seeking a new environmental impact study of the Bering Sea commercial ...
The judge agreed with the National Marine Fisheries Service that its review of the annual harvest specifications sufficiently ...
The Bering Sea trawl sector, valued at about $2 billion, catches more chum salmon as bycatch than subsistence fishermen harvest. But federal and state scientists point to another factor ...
More than a decade after being labeled the "world’s ugliest animal," the blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) has made an ...
The bycatch includes thousands of sea turtles that drown every ... we need to implement the proven technology of turtle excluder devices for all vessels and enable shrimp trawling to coexist with ...