The next time you take an Uber, you could pay with cash. The company is rolling out a pilot program to test out the new payment option right here in the Tri-State.
A Pennsylvania Uber driver is accused of groping a female passenger and following her up to her home, where police say he ...
Police have arrested an Uber driver after, officials claim, a rider told police that he put his hand under her shirt and ...
An Uber driver groped a female passenger, made lewd comments and then tried to kiss her after she got out of the car, ...
Are ride-share drivers required to pay GET in Hawaii ? Most drivers that have picked me up stated they don’t have a GET license and don’t pay GET. They said Uber and Lyft don’t require them to have a ...
For those who do choose to go driverless, when the Waymo arrives, they will be able to unlock the vehicle, open the trunk, ...
Uber is set to launch a new ride-hailing service using self-driving cars in Austin, Texas – the backyard of Elon Musk ’s ...