"Just desserts for nationalists: if you value Ukraine above all, then live there without the possibility of leaving," the spokeswoman wrote. Earlier on Friday, a court in Kiev initiated ...
Our Savior Lutheran Church hosted a bake sale that featured traditional Ukrainian baked goods and desserts. Proceeds from the bake sale will benefit Knoxville-based non-profit KoloHUB, a Tennessee ...
I guess we just don’t know how to get it. We’re simple life,” Iakovleva said of the their Ukrainian baked goods. “Our desserts and baked goods are pretty simple in ingredients but taste so ...
Shalika Khindurangala said Ukrainian desserts are more about ingredient flavor than sugar. Though it’s a small shop, it was important for Khindurangala to have a few tables and chairs where ...
Dinara Kasko is an architect turned pastry chef. She uses a computer modelling software to make intricate moulds which she then 3D prints and uses for her cakes. Dinara started using the 3D ...