If you think the terms weather and climate mean the same thing, perhaps you need to delve deep into these terms to understand them better in the right context. These two terms are closely related.
In the scientific literature, climate change and global warming are inextricably linked, even if they are distinct phenomena.
Climatologists look beyond temperature and precipitation. They study data from satellite imagery, ocean currents and more to ...
so I spent some time trying to help them understand that weather and climate are not the same thing. So, let’s tackle that first, before addressing whether it is actually getting hotter in Phoenix.
While many still doubt the actuality of climate change, the abnormality of weather events and drastic differences in seasonal temperatures have made the concept of global warming hard to ignore.
It began with millions of people across the U.S. shivering amid blizzard conditions and frigid air that lasted for days, ...
We work out what the climate in a place is by looking at the average weather for about 30 years, and seeing how warm or cold, rainy and windy it is during that time. The climate is different ...