The clock is running out on California's clean air vehicle decal program that allows EVs to travel in the carpool lane ...
California currently allows owners of Clean Air Vehicles to apply for special decals that allow drivers to use the HOV lane ...
With a qualifying clean-air vehicle—which can include hydrogen cars ... "Currently, California has about 519,000 active ...
To encourage adoption of new technologies, the decal program incentivized California's high-occupancy vehicle lane.
Originally, HOV lane access for EVs was genius. Reward the early EV adopters, push cleaner tech, reduce gridlock. But now? It’s just another loophole for rich guys in private tanks. The statute ends ...
The Clean Air Vehicle Decal program that allows California's EV drivers to drive without passengers in the car-pool lane ...
LOS ANGELES -- The clock is running out on California's Clean Air Vehicle Decal program. You may have seen the colorful stickers on eligible vehicles riding in the HOV lanes. The program allows ...