In the last installment of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, Lightning awakens from her 500-year hibernation to discover that the world is about to end in 13 days. She is chosen by the god ...
If nothing else, Final Fantasy XIII is the one offline, numbered entry in the series not currently playable on PlayStation 5, and a mid-PS3 era trilogy like this could conceivably be shoved onto a ...
Not only do Final Fantasy 13, 13-2, and Lightning Returns still play well and look impressive, they serve to represent the direction the series would take for the foreseeable future. In fact ...
Final Fantasy 17 could shake things up by doing something Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy 6 did ... than those in the Dragon Quest Builders series, as is tradition for Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy 17 needs a new female protagonist to shake up the series and offer new perspectives. Final Fantasy has had a history of male leads, so it's time for a female protagonist like Terra ...
"It'll be something that can be a successor to Final Fantasy 6 in a good way." ...