The real star of the show here is the CFS (Creality Filament System) material switcher. This CFS has been available for a few ...
On-board manufacturing for spacecraft is one small step closer with the development of new 3D printing technology in zero gravity. Dr Gilles Bailet, from the University of Glasgow's James Watt School ...
Researchers have developed a new 3D printing system that can overcome the challenges of zero gravity and the vacuum of space.
Researchers from the James Watt School of Engineering have taken one small step towards a future where orbital factories can ...
Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a climate-friendly covering for walls and ceilings that temporarily stores moisture, ...
As the construction industry continues to evolve, Precast concrete manufacturers are at the forefront of innovation, ...
A battery that needs feeding instead of charging? This is exactly what Empa researchers have achieved with their 3D-printed, ...
Israeli and Palestinian engineers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem develop novel metamaterials for the cost-effective ...
Clinicians have successfully used custom-made 3D printed bone scaffolds, printed on-site at The University of Queensland, to ...
Just like my first 3 weeks with an FDM 3D printer, there have been plenty of learning curves I’ve dealt with while getting to ...
Austin-based firm Icon Technologies, which has a $57 million NASA contract, laid off more than 100 of its 400 employees.