"Magic Farm," which premiered Tuesday at the Sundance Film Festival, is a comedy with a misguided premise that becomes ...
"Magic Farm" writer-director Amalia Ulman and stars Chloe Sevigny and Simon Rex unpack their funny, idiosyncratic movie.
Amalia Ulman’s sophomore outing revolves around an American documentary team that accidentally travels to the wrong place.
El Planeta' director Amalia Ulman’s sophomore feature revolves around a bungling media crew’s interactions with the residents of a rural town in Argentina.
Ed Harris, Bill Murray, Jennifer Coolidge, Gabrielle Union, Pete Davidson and more star in the film "Riff Raff." ...
Jon Hamm has done plenty of voice acting over his career, but voicing 1950s FBI agent-turned-private investigator Jack Bergin ...
U.S. President Donald Trump will pursue the "complete denuclearization of North Korea," a White House official said Tuesday, amid questions over whether Trump's recent reference to... The number of ...