Not every project you make can fit into the Raspberry Pi's 26 GPIO pins, especially the more ... Popular boards like the ...
It’s a significant update. The Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega 2560 update the Duemilanove and Mega respectively. They now use an ATMega8U2 instead of an FTDI USB to serial converter chip.
The Tiva series of LaunchPads serve as TI’s equivalent of the Arduino Uno, and hovers at about the same price point, except with more processing power and a sane geometry for the GPIO pins.
The Arduino UNO is designed for hobbyists ... CPU(Central Processing Unit), GPU(Graphics Processing Unit), GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output) pins, and power source connector.
the more popular boards like the Uno, classic Nano, and Mega 2560 don't support the Debugger feature as they're powered by an ...