State Farm, the largest home insurer in California, continues to seek approval of a 22% emergency rate hike even as it faces complaints over its handling of insurance claims.
In an operation that lasted more than 24 hours, the firefighters managed to locate and extract the 74-year-old woman, who was then transported to hospital as people on the scene applauded the rescue ...
A greyhound d rescue group in #WalnutCreek welcomes a dozen former racing dogs from #Australia and #WestVirginia to help them ...
Fire services will soon be improved for people who live in the burgeoning northern Suffolk area as a new station set to open ...
Rowlett police say an injured officer whose squad car was hit by a suspected drunk driver managed to rescue that driver from ...
A Camden county puppy went missing and his owner was frantic to find him. A non-profit drone team came to the rescue, finding ...