Don't Croak Animated Short Film by Daun Kim at Ringling College of Art and Design. Featured on CGMeetup <a href=" Don’t Croak is an emotional thriller about a frog escaping a determined, frenzied girl ...
If you haven't heard of 'Make a Girl', that needs to change, because it might be the most interesting anime dropping this ...
Ian Bawa’s “My Son Went Quiet” tells a story of grief and ghosts. In the film, a Father (Harkaran Jhinger) and Son (Jay ...
Adam Elliot and Gints Zilbalodis discuss being underdogs and the big financial or creative challenges they dealt with on ...
Here are 32 of the greatest family animation movies that aren't from Disney.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year's Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
The British studio has produced some of the most acclaimed animated films of the past few decades — and amassed legions of ...
Mufasa: The Lion King” is an animation movie directed by Barry Jenkins and written by Jeff Nathanson. Disney’s latest animated offering, “Mufasa: The Lion King”, serves up a stunning visual banquet ...
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year's Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
Across its Wallace & Gromit films and the rest of its stop-motion oeuvre, Aardman Animations presents a quiet vision of ...
animated series, and even the occasional bit of (unofficial) protest art. Feature films, however, have been few and far ...