Sigmon chose the method over the electric chair or lethal injection ... trusted presence on Death Row." "He serves as an informal chaplain to his fellow prisoners," King said.
Brad Sigmon, 67, chose firing squad over the two other state approved methods of execution, lethal injection or the electric chair ... inmates on death row, according to state records.
Sigmon chose firing squad over the two other state-approved methods of execution, lethal injection or the electric chair ... other inmates on death row, according to state records.
After the woman spent 27 years on death row for killing an 80-year-old man, the court found that prosecutors failed to reveal ...
The order came just over 48 hours before David Leonard Wood was set to be executed by lethal injection on Thursday.
Lewis Powell, Harry Blackmun, and John Paul Stevens allowed the death penalty to return. Then they disavowed it. The Washington Monthly is an independent voice, listened to by insiders and willing to ...
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals blocked the execution of convicted El Paso 'Desert Killer' David Leonard Wood, court records show.
Brad Sigmon, 67, was granted permission to choose the manner of his execution after comlaining he was terrified of the electric chair and being "tortured by lethal injection". He was on death row ...
Brad Sigmon, 67, chose to be killed by bullets, saying he feared the alternatives of the electric chair and lethal injection would risk a slower and more painful death. He was convicted of beating ...
Death by firing squad and medical-aid in dying, taking an oral solution of drugs mixed with apple juice, are alternative execution methods that would be more “humane,” Hoffman’s attorneys said.
LIVINGSTON, Texas - David Leonard Wood is angry. He’s angry that he’s been on Texas Death Row for nearly four decades when no DNA evidence links him to the murders of six women and girls in El ...