Gata Salvaje is a telenovela which aired first on Venevisión in Venezuela on May 16, 2002 and some days later was released on the Spanish language U.S. station Univision from mid-summer of 2002 ...
GaTa (real name Davionte Ganter), from South Los Angeles, is the hype man for Lil Dicky, and has co-starred in his FXX series Dave since it premiered in 2020. "We Good" appears on Lil Dicky's new ...
La formació de 150 cantaires interpreta l'òpera contemporània estrenada al Liceu, en format de suite per a cor, orquestra i ...
L'associació Gats de Girona ha denunciat una sèrie de fets tràgics i inhumans que han tingut lloc a la colònia de gats de les ...
Els mots formats a partir de la imitació d’un so són molts i varien d’una llengua a una altra. Tutup, taaat, nyop-nyop: ...
L’Ajuntament de Girona, a través de la Policia Municipal, investiga els fets i alerta que matar animals és un delicte penal ...
El grup osonenc Obeses anuncia concert a Barcelona a La [2] d'Apolo el 8 de febrer per presentar 'L'ai al cor', el seu sisè ...
jo us diré lo que ha passat: s'ha perdut alguna cosa, no sé qui l'haurà trobat.
A Maine coon cat named Mittens became an accidental jetsetter this month when her cage was overlooked in a plane cargo hold and she made three trips in 24 hours between New Zealand and Australia.
"Dogs are not four-footed people in fur coats," Coren said. The research on domestic cat intelligence is less plentiful, but some studies have probed the cognitive abilities of cats. "We might ...
Learn more The best outdoor cat houses help keep felines warm and dry in the worst winter conditions and protect them from extreme heat when temperatures spike. During the winter, cats that live ...