Formerly in charge of Engadget Poland, Jan Belezina's long time fascination with the advance of new technology has led him to become Gizmag's eyes and ears in Eastern Europe.
He spent five years building and running a thriving mobile-technology space at New Atlas (formerly Gizmag). Will has interviewed top technology executives and developers, and he's reviewed a long ...
New Atlas has been celebrating innovation and human endeavor since our first website launched in March 2002. Since then we’ve produced more than 60,000 articles covering advances in technology ...
David has worked as a feature writer for many international magazines and has been a feature writer for New Atlas since 2011.
Since joining New Atlas in 2009 he’s covered topics including electronics, quantum mechanics, 3D printing and space news.
Body & Mind Incredible progress is being made in health and medicine – every day we seem to broaden our understanding of how to maximize physical and mental health, treat and cure illness and ...
From home assistants to advances in heating and cooling systems and from robotic vacuum cleaners to voice-controlled lawn mowers, here's where you can stay abreast of the latest home automation ...
Based out of Edmonton, Canada, Ben Coxworth has been writing for New Atlas since 2009 and is presently Managing Editor for North America. An experienced freelance writer, he previously obtained an ...
The idea of capturing the energy of vibrations and storing it is not new, but here is another attempt at the idea, courtesy of Gizmag.Dr Steve Beeby and his team at the University of Southampton ...
When not writing for New Atlas, Simon is often found playing with LEGO and drinking far too much coffee.
There's always a better way to get from A to B. Here's New Atlas checks out the most innovative modes of transport for getting around town in the 21st century.
Here is another alternative form of transportation from our friends over at Gizmag. Gizmag is a great source of cool, high-tech gadgets and solutions for everyday life, with a focus on the future.