According to the New Indian Express report, the accused Naveen’s mother, Kavitha, a second division assistant at the BBMP, and Sujatha, the assistant revenue officer in charge of the office, are ...
Bengaluru ranks as the world's third slowest city for traffic, with an average travel time of 30 minutes for 10 kilometers. Bengaluru's notorious traffic congestion has once again made global ...
Chief minister Siddaramaiah said animal cruelty is an offence and those responsible will be identified and punished. The police commissioner has been instructed to identify the culprits and take ...
The Karnataka government's free bus travel service for women has not only had its backers but has also been met with pointed criticism on multiple occasion. The criticism of the policy usually ...
A Bengaluru customer found a live worm in his salad ordered from Fresh Menu via Zomato, sparking outrage after the video went viral. The customer shared his experience on Instagram, urging others to ...
However, a recent incident has cast a shadow on the reliability of such cloud kitchens, drawing widespread criticism. A Bengaluru man who ordered from FreshMenu, a well-known cloud kitchen promoting ...
Its time to rush up the high-octane energy in your veins with the Festival of Lohri knocking on the doorstep. Hotels in Kolkata have already begun their preparations to welcome you for the vibrant ...
In a bid to provide greater convenience to passengers arriving in the city by train and bus, Bengaluru Metro has announced that it will start early metro train services on Mondays. Starting ...