Hasil survei Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) menemukan bahwa hujatan atau ucapan yang merendahkan masih menjadi salah satu peristiwa yang kerap dihadapi perempuan di dunia politik. Peneliti ...
Sandisk Corporation, the maker of flash drives and memory cards, debuted a new logo today, and it’s based on a single pixel. “It all started with the pixel, which is the fundamental smallest ...
Jakarta: Pusat Riset Kesejahteraan Sosial, Desa, dan Konektivitas (PR-KSDK) BRIN kembali membuka kesempatan magang bagi mahasiswa. Pendaftaran dibuka mulai 18 Desember 2024. Pendaftaran: 18 Desember-3 ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Rumah Sakit Islam Cempaka Putih mengonfirmasi bahwa MR (27) orangtua dari bayi yang diduga tertukar, sempat melihat anaknya setelah dilahirkan. Direktur Utama RS Islam Cempaka ...
With less than three years to go in the build-up to the 2027 Rugby World Cup in Australia, World Rugby have unveiled the tournament’s official logo and vibrant visual identity. The announcement ...
Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Sel darah putih atau leukosit merupakan komponen penting dalam sistem pertahanan tubuh manusia. Meski jumlahnya tidak sebanyak sel darah merah, fungsi sel darah putih sangatlah ...
However, Google billionaire Sergey Brin might have some trouble fitting his under there: he's just taken delivery of one of the world's biggest superyachts. Dragonfly, the latest build to leave ...
Brin Snelling is a contributing writer covering physical retail, including store openings, retail expansion, and wholesale partnerships. She's contributed to Forbes for three years and covered the ...
Saadia Group, which acquired the department store during a bankruptcy auction four years ago and ran it until early this year, in 2022 had replaced the familiar, idiosyncratic logo with a ...
Liputan6.com, Jakarta Tidak ada yang lebih menyebalkan daripada menemukan noda membandel pada pakaian putih favorit Anda. Entah itu noda kopi, saus, atau bahkan bekas keringat yang menguning, pakaian ...
Mars has responded to comparisons between the new men’s Six Nations branding and its famous chocolate bar’s logo by describing the two brands as a “match made in heaven”. Supporters ...
After the sale, the new buyer remained a mystery until now, with Brin emerging as the proud owner of this state-of-the-art masterpiece. With sea trials completed and final touches underway ...