In a recent post on social media, Nayanthara penned a beautiful post featuring a series of images with her husband Vignesh Shivan, and kids, Ulag and Uyir.
Malayalam actress Honey Rose accuses activist Rahul Easwar of orchestrating a cyber campaign to discredit her sexual harassment complaint against Kerala businessman Boby Chemmanur. She alleges ...
Thiruvananthapuram: Malayalam actress Maala Parvathi on Wednesday lodged a complaint with the police against an individual who allegedly made offensive comments about her on social media ...
Malayalam actress Honey Rose accuses a man of stalking and making sexually inappropriate remarks after she declined his invitations. He used media platforms to demean her, and Rose questions the ...
Malayalam actress Honey Rose, who recently accused businessman Boby Chemmanur of sexual harassment, announced on Saturday that she would pursue legal action against activist Rahul Easwar for his ...
Malayalam actress Honey Rose has accused an individual of stalking her and making sexually inappropriate remarks, including through media platforms, which she claimed outraged her modesty.
Malayalam actress Honey Rose has accused an individual of stalking her and making sexually inappropriate remarks, including through media platforms, which she claimed outraged her modesty.
After the arrest of Kerala businessman Boby Chemmanur in sexual harassment case, Malayalam actress Honey Rose has accused activist Rahul Easwar of 'cybercrime'. "Easwar is planning an organised ...
The offender, allegedly, made offensive comments about the actress on social media and created a YouTube channel that created a video using still photos from her movies The Tribune, now published ...
Malayalam actress Maala Parvathi filed a police complaint on Wednesday against an individual accused of making offensive remarks about her on social media. She also raised concerns about a YouTube ...
Actress Trisha shared her thoughts, saying, “Malayalam films often carry strong storylines, and I have always been fond of them. I had wished to act in at least one Malayalam film every year ...