Endometriosis UK suggests that using a hot water bottle or heated wheat bag can help relieve pain - even a warm bath may help ...
Skin picking can be symptomatic of another mental health disorder. One writer explains how her journey with skin picking ...
Kids as young as 7 are developing unhealthy ideas about weight and body image, a new study suggests. Researchers warn their ...
People start developing unhealthy perceptions of their own bodies in early childhood, a new study suggests.Kids as y ...
We know adults can be easily influenced by what they believe to be a "normal" body shape, but it turns out children start ...
Spa JXN, a new medical spa in Jackson, offers a variety of beauty and wellness services, including Botox, laser hair removal, ...
When I first started paying attention to the idea of personal style, it was toward the end of the Covid lockdowns. I wasn’t ...