The Biden administration has succeeded in temporarily blocking accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed from entering a ...
Sept. 11 survivors and victims’ relatives have mixed feelings about a planned plea deal for accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid ...
Getty Images “That ruling countermands the Secretary’s considered judgment about the appropriate handling of a case of unique national importance,” Fletcher wrote, according to Politico.
The Justice Department criticized the military commission judge for a ruling that it said “improperly curtailed” the defense secretary’s authority in a “case of unique national importance.” ...
It's been 20 years since the 9/11 attacks. Whether you were at the Towers, the Pentagon, or thousands of miles away, the events of 9/11 impacted every American on so many levels both ...
One of the most haunting sights of the World Trade Centre disaster was that of bodies hurtling through the air as the heat inside the tower became unbearable. The New York City medical examiners ...
Up to a dozen New York firefighters have left their wives after falling in love with the widows of comrades killed on September 11, it emerged today. One spurned wife branded the phenomenon the ...
Separated is the newest documentary film from Errol Morris. Based on Jacob Soboroff’s 2020 book Separated: Inside an American Tragedy, the film probes the inhumane family separation and immigration ...