In a viral video clip, Indian actor Rakhi Sawant challenged Pakistan's Nargis, Deedar, and Hania Aamir to a dance-off. "From Pakistan, get Hania, Nargis, Deedar, all of them. I'll easily crush them.
Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri addressed the Pashtun National Council, highlighting the oppression of Baloch and Pashtun communities under Pakistan's rule, including enforced disappearances ...
Park is one of the largest publicly-traded lodging real estate investment trusts (“REIT”) with a diverse portfolio of iconic and market-leading hotels and resorts with significant underlying ...
To convert Pounds to Pakistani Rupees or determine the Pound Pakistani Rupee exchange rate simply use the currency converter on the right of this page, which offers fast live exchange rate ...
Q: What is the Euro worth against the Pakistani Rupee? A: One Euro is worth 289.7751 Pakistani Rupees today Q: Is the Euro going up or down against the Pakistani Rupee? A: Today's exchange rate ...
When talking about the Pakistan exchange rate, the open market rates have great significance as they offer an overall outlook about the latest situation and trending scenarios in the market. As free ...
Islamic date today in Pakistan is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know the exact Islamic date today or chand ki ...
The Pakistan Super League is one of the most thrilling T20 cricket leagues in the world, and fans are always eager to stay updated with the PSL live score during matches. Whether you’re ...
Set in the back streets of interior Sindh, Anmol lives with her mother and younger sister after their father died. A feudal claimed her father owed him money and assigned the task of recovery to his ...