February 5 was a little-known event on the Indian calendar called Bhishma Ashtami. On this day, those who observe it offer tarpan or the water of remembrance to ...
The half-brother of Dhr̥tarāṣṭra and Pandu, Vidurā: had advised Duryodhana to control his anger or face unimaginable consequences. In the Udoyogā Parv of the Mahābhārata, Vidurā ...
Similarly, the land of Madra, from which Madri (wife of Pandu in the Mahabharata) hails, was located in present-day Pakistan, and was famous for horses. It is not a coincidence that all kingdoms ...
For the Hindus, the Mahabharata is beyond a sacred novel. It identifies as a cultural identity, god's wisdom, and a window into our civilisation. Thousands of evidences - unearthed over the years - ...