Mars is an attractive candidate for colonization for several reasons. It is relatively close to Earth, with journeys taking ...
Keep your eyes on Mars in our night sky next week. Our neighboring planet—the fourth from the sun in our solar system and approximately half the size of Earth—will look larger and brighter in ...
Although life has yet to be discovered on Mars, scientists have known about water on the planet for some time, primarily in ...
NASA has been committed to the exploration of planet Mars, and now scientists have decided to use nuclear fission energy as ...
Mars is often considered to be the planet most similar to the Earth. Earth however, is capable of supporting life, Mars on ...
Mike Lynch is an amateur astronomer and retired broadcast meteorologist for WCCO Radio in Minneapolis/St. Paul. He is the ...
Discover the red planet like never before! This month offers a unique opportunity to witness Mars in stunning detail. From ...
Rising just before sunset on January 13, the Full Wolf Moon will be up all night, and will slip below the western horizon ...
If viewing the Wolf Moon and hoping to get a peek at Mars, EarthSky recommends blocking the right half of the Moon with a distant object so you can try and see past the moonlight. After Monday, the ...
A NASA satellite has spotted frozen "kidney beans" on Mars' sand dunes trapped in place until springtime. Photographing them ...