The Mars Express orbiter launched to the Red Planet. Twenty years later, ESA has delivered a high resolution color image of ...
The Red Planet will be at its closest point to Earth, also known as perigee, on Jan. 12 and will be exactly opposite the sun ...
Discover the captivating sight of Mars in the night sky, glowing red-orange as it reaches full opposition to the sun. Learn ...
offering spectators the exquisite view of the Red Planet appearing to set and rise from behind the moon. Mars reaches opposition on Jan. 16, when it will shine a brilliant golden color to the ...
In addition to providing the best opportunity to see Mars at its biggest and brightest, this will be the best time for sending spacecraft to the Red Planet. Here's everything you need to know ...
Ancient rainstorms may have sculpted the red planet, similar to the monsoon rains that helped shape the Southwest’s landscape ...
Plus, if you watch closely throughout the night, you may spot the planet Mars dip behind the Moon, only to re-emerge a short time later. In the early 20th century, the Maine Farmer's Almanac began ...
Too bad there’s no champagne on Mars. Nov. 12 is the day to pop open a bottle to toast the new year on the red planet. Mars fans on Earth can still break out into “Auld Lang Syne” to mark ...
Stargazers will have the opportunity to view as many as seven planets in the night ... After spotting Venus, Pitts said Mars will stand out for its rosy color. Jupiter has a bright, creamy ...