This jukebox musical tells the triumphant story of the “Proud Mary” singer’s rise to stardom. While the production dazzles ...
It's an age-old riddle-question but it's worth a try one more time. See if you have the answer: WHO PLAYED FOR THE RANGERS, THE KNICKS, THE BROOKLYN DODGERS AND NEW YORK ROVERS? Answer: Gladys ...
Via The Hollywood Reporter, we’ve learned that a musical based on the cult classic horror comedy The Lost Boys officially debuts on Broadway at the Palace Theater in early 2026. The musical will ...
Jan. 17, New Orleans icons Galactic and Irma Thomas have finally detailed their long-awaited collaboration with the ...
a music mage who must harness her powers to save her loved ones and New York City from the Queen of the Night. Special performances include a Pay What You Choose night on Friday, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m ...
Keeping incarceration music-free means oppressed Molina’s dreams are poetry, while his actuality is prose. Nice idea, but life behind bars still looks and feels awfully stagey. The environment ...
After more than a month in theaters, the hit film has set a new record as the highest-grossing movie based on a Broadway musical ever. The record was previously held by 2008's "Mamma Mia!," ...
"Wicked" movie from Universal Pictures. The popular musical film adaptation “Wicked” is now available to stream after debuting in movie theaters in November. Here’s everything you need to ...
Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you do we cry, poor, banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of ...
A week before Christmas, the Regina point-in-time count revealed that on Oct. 1 there were 824 people identified as homeless in the Queen city. That represents an increase of nearly double the 488 ...