Despite its name, soft maple is a more than adequate species for furniture, flooring, cabinets and other products.
Georgia ReLeaf Grant trees were planted in Oxford this month. A variety of trees were planted, including Red maple, Overcup ...
There are plenty of twigs about after the recent storms to help anyone keen to learn a bit more about how to identify the ...
Fortunately for us gardeners, many trees can help with water absorption and reduce moisture levels. Certain tree species, ...
More than 15,000 trees distributed through collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation, local communities since ...
Looking at the red maple in my front yard this week I noticed something that announces every new year. Buds that were small ...
In Washington Mountain State Forest, those valley maples have a chance of going on and on — cooling the air, protecting the ...
further increasing its appeal as a tree for landscaping. Autumn blaze maple is a cultivar, meaning that it was bred by crossing the red maple and the silver maple, rather than being a natural species.
The Valdosta Tree Commission will host a tree distribution/giveaway provided by an Urban & Community Forestry (UCF) program grant. The Georgia Tree Council provides funding through the Georgia ...
Bare-root seedings will be provided to local residents as part of an onging effort to replenish the tree canopy.
To address the growing problem, the city has allocated an additional $2.76 million to accelerate Phase 3 of the tree removal ...
In honor of Florida Arbor Day on Friday, Duke Energy Florida is offering 1,000 free trees while supplies last. here's what to ...