Luna de miere a unui cuplu brazilian s-a transformat intr-o experienta de cosmar, dupa ce barca in care se aflau s-a ...
Un incident neobisnuit a avut loc in Tennessee, unde un caine a cauzat accidental o impuscatura care l-a ranit pe stapanul ...
Un bacio, uno dei gesti più naturali del mondo, ha causato un problema serissimo ad un piccolo bambino originario del ...
L'importanza delle operazioni di bonifica di ambienti da sostanze inquinanti, interventi sia di risoluzione che di ...
Miercuri, 19 februarie, Comisia Europeană a prezentat viziunea sa pentru agricultură și alimentație. Este o foaie de parcurs ...
3 alin.(3) din prezenta anexa precum si, atunci cand este cazul, de functionarul public delegat conform prezentului articol, document prin care inaltul functionar public raspunde la un numar de ...
Nominal Table of the surnames and given names of settled Romani found on May 25, 1942 within the Cepasi sector, when they were part of the census ...
SIA carried 2.4 million passengers in January 2025, up from 2.1 million in the same period in 2024. Scoot ferried 1.2 million passengers in January, up from 1.1 million in the corresponding period ...
Speaking about ‘Beautiful People’, Guetta explained: “I’m so happy to be back working with Sia again! She’s one of the greatest voices and songwriters of our generation, and it feels ...
The singer spoke exclusively to PEOPLE about teaming up with the the charity, which has rebranded to the Humane World for Animals Sia is raising her voice for a special cause. On Thursday ...
NATIONAL carrier Singapore Airlines (SIA) and its low-cost arm Scoot carried more passengers and cargo in January 2025 than the same period a year ago, SIA Group’s latest operating update released on ...